About us

Wellbeing through the human-animal bond

At our heart lies the human-animal bond.

By connecting people and animals, we aim to enhance human and animal wellbeing by creating moments of real connection and joy.

The power of this bond underpins everything we do and sets our work apart.

Learn more


Creating real impact

Dog in charge

Showing empathy

Experiencing family trauma, this primary school student’s schooling has been significantly disrupted causing him to miss several learning milestones. The student has challenges adjusting his behaviour, concentrating in class and making friends.

Having supported this student one-on-one together with one of our wellbeing dogs, his teachers have reported he has shown he can:

  • Regulate his behaviour
  • Listen in class
  • Show empathy towards others
Classroom setting with dog

Speaking openly

We have been working with this primary school student since early 2023. He has learning and social challenges demonstrated by difficulty entering and staying in the classroom, making eye contact and communicating with teachers and peers.

After several sessions with one of our wellbeing dogs, he is now more confident to:

  • Speak openly
  • Interact with others
  • Smile
Dog in classroom

Attending school 

This primary school student has a complex family situation involving family trauma and changed living arrangements. She struggles with separating from her parent at the school gate, leading to school refusal, absenteeism and withdrawal.

Since supporting this student with one of our wellbeing dogs, her teachers have reported her improved:

  • School attendance, especially when our wellbeing dogs attend
  • Confidence
  • Positive outlook
From the heart

“I felt happy and calm. I felt prepared and ready for class with a positive mindset after time with the dogs.”

Year 5 student

Mill Park Heights Primary School

“Seeing Scout, I feel like nothing else matters and it helps me get in a better mood.”

Year 5 student

Park Ridge Primary School

“I learned dogs have many emotions, just like humans.”

Year 4 student

Heany Park Primary School

“The impact the program has had on students in my class has been immense… showing empathy they have never shown before.”


Boronia West Primary School

“As a parent, I think this program is fantastic. My son looked forward to it every week.”


Mill Park Heights Primary School

“I saw a positive change in the students who participated in the program. This then had a positive ripple effect on other students and staff. I would highly recommend the program.”

Education Support

Yarra Glen Primary School

“Students loved connecting their own emotions with the feelings of the dogs. They have experienced emotional growth and increased connectedness.”

Assistant Principal

Mill Park Heights Primary School

“Our students love seeing the dogs and really relish the unconditional love the dogs bring. I have nothing but praise for this program.”


Carrington Primary School

Our Partners

We are grateful to have been trusted to partner with schools, community groups and organisations across Victoria.

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Park Ridge Primary School logoHeavy Park Primary SchoolMill Park Primary School logoBoronia West Primary School logo


Contact us


We wish to acknowledge the generous contribution to the Foundation of Copia Investment Partners. 

Their philanthropic support of our Foundation enables us to broaden our reach in schools and the community and to connect even more young people and adults in need with our wellbeing dogs. 

By focusing our work on those who need it most, we are able to provide social, emotional and mental wellbeing support in a way that can have immediate and lifelong impact. 

The joy and connection our wellbeing dogs bring today, and in the future, will endure due to the generosity of Copia.

Thank you, we are grateful for your support.